Cold Mountain, Whiskeytown, and Texas Yodeling : LUSENET : occasional planet : One Thread

Hey all:

Well, if I've been incognito for a while for many of you it's because I've been working like a madman. I'm considering getting a goldern retriever named Sal, moving into a log cabin, and growing beans and tomatoes.

Yet amidst this grind, I've got three cool recommendations for your entertainment pleasure:

Cold Mountain: Beautifully written Civil War novel by Charles Frazier about a man who deserts his outfit to see his sweetheart. Along the way he falls into the Cape Fear River...

Whiskeytown (Stranger's Almanac): Haunting melodies, country twang, and clever hooks. If you like the whole Wilco, Uncle Tupelo scene, get this CD right away.

Texas Yodeling: We'll if you caught this at the NC Museum of Art, you were one of the lucky ones! Fiddlin, plush setting, and jokes about Texas. Yodel-lodel-lay-eeh-oh!


-- Pat K. (, August 11, 1997


Pat K.

FYI: Pat is the cool musician who works with me at RTI and joined us at Summer Soltesz this year. You know: plays guitar, sings, canoes.... Good guy, good friend.

-- Joanne (, August 13, 1997.

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