Section 20 : LUSENET : Climbing in San Francisco : One Thread

Who has climbed this? We took a great alpine hike, but never found this climb. Beta appreciated!


-- Ellen M. Sentovich (, August 25, 1997


follow eagle creek past ninety foot wall 1/4 mile until you see a talus feild.go up talus to base of wall,contor around left side croossing some loose slabs.start of route is 5.6 chimney that looks more like a giant flake, and is a liitle rotten.the first pitch moves slightly left.second pitch is a beautiful chicken headed face with crack pro in a basalt dike.2 options halfway up,original route stays on face with good chicken heads for pro option 2 takes crack on the right 5.8.follow cracks above for 1 pitch until large hill is in front of you.walk up hill 200 yards. many possibillities exist from here it is probably best to use the guide book from descent from the top is down the steep gully to the right.

-- Sean O'Leary (, August 06, 1999.

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