Elevator statistics

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread

Can anyone tell me where I can find statistical data regarding the total number of elevators currently operating in the US, state by state, major metropolitan areas, etc.

-- Peter Fayette (ptf@znetwork.net), August 25, 1997


lots of work

I don't know of anyone who would carry a list for the nation, but If you go state by state you may be able to get what you need. As for Nebraska you need to cantact the Nebraska dept. of labor. Good luck

-- Don Koeppe (Dkippy@Radiks.net), August 31, 1997.


-- dunno (yourmamma@aol.com), October 29, 2003.

All I know is that you are GAY for wanting to know that.

-- Becca Montgomery (RoyalKeep@aol.com), November 18, 2003.

There are approx. 600,000 elevators in service today in the US. These and other related stats can be found in Elevator World Magazine. To place an order call toll free 1-800-730-5093. I came across your site while researching elevator related info. I am the City of Buffalo's, Chief Elevator Inspection Supervisor. The National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities can assist in an actual break-down state-by-state {NAESA}on the web.

-- Joseph L. Schiavone (jschiavone@ch.ci.buffalo.ny.us), January 05, 2004.

Ask fksdafkdskkjk bn

-- Linda Funmaker (ptf@znetwork.net), January 13, 2004.

the elevator was invented in the third century by elisha jensen.... actually it was invented by OTIS. otis and hungry ford were bestest friends until OTIS ran off with fords "wife". whom he met at a "dance" and soon they had many "children". No terrence i like this computer. no no no. i can see a tree. i am sick dead of wigs and stuff.... anyway elevators are hinky dinky. i hope that answers your question.... wait a second.... byebye

-- Orochimaru (sitkasinuata@netscape.net), January 14, 2004.

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