How difficult is it to visit the Sukuma? : LUSENET : Sukuma Culture : One Thread |
Can an ordinary tourist like me visit the Sukuma and learn something? How difficult is it to travel to this region, meet people, etc.?
-- Philip Greenspun (, September 10, 1997
Yes but it is actually easiest to make contacts through the Sukuma Museum. The Sukuma live one hour by bus from Mwanza, the second-largest city in Tanzania. You can camp at the museum or stay in a traditional-style Sukuma dwelling at the museum's course center.
-- Mark Bessire (, September 10, 1997.
I am currently organizing an easier way for tourists who are interested in visiting Sukuma to stay with the natives and learn as much as they can from the sukumas. OR if they need to stay at hotels I have a lists and phone number that can help... I am working on a website that can help you with all info you need. If you need more information, please contact me at learning Sukuma in the US please contact Masangu Nzuzullima:
-- Sophia Lyimo (, July 04, 2002.
Yes if you need any assistance just contact me. I am finishing my Ph.D. in linguistics at UCLA and my dissertation deals with issues of Prosodic morphology and its interactions with the complex Sukuma tone. I am a native speaker of Kisukuma from Bariadi - Shinyanga.
-- Masangu Matondo (, July 04, 2002.