MAIL BAG--READERS RESPONSE : LUSENET : Sevier Living Forum : One Thread

To the staff: Keep up the good work, have really enjoyed your new web site and to say thanks to Lydia G. for all the info on the area and letting me know about this site. As a tourist, I disagree with one of your local readers about discontinuing the local weather site. My wife and I vacation once or twice a year in Gatlinburg and the weather does not keep us from going, it just allows us to pack appropriate clothing. So please keep the local weather site. As for the traffic, yes at times it can be bumper to bumper and at a snails pace but repeat vacationers to Gatlinburg know what to expect depending on the time of year and if it's a weekend. My wife and I once we reach our motel usually walk during our stay. This is one vacationer that will not let the traffic stop me from enjoying the beauty of your area. This year we are going in November to enjoy the Christmas decorations we have heard so much about. Keep up the good work. Art and Jean--Pensacola, FL.

-- ART CORT (ACORT300E@AOL.OCM), September 27, 1997

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