looking for a climbing partnergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Climbing in San Francisco : One Thread |
Hi. I'm new to the Bay Area (living in Berkeley, working in Oakland) and I'm looking for a climbing partner. I'm a 5.9 top-roper/cleaner but I'm hoping to improve quickly and start lead climbing. I've been bouldering at Indian Rock and I want to boulder a couple times a week. I also hike, mountain bike, camp and want to take some trips in the area. Let me know if you want to head out- my number's 510-666-0565Robin
-- Robin Down (radown@hotmail.com), September 29, 1997
I am also a 5.9er always looking to climb. (and improve...) Live in Marin, work in SF. Let me know if you need a partner John-Eric Langdale langdale@cc.ucsf.edu (415) 927-0441
-- John-Eric Langdale (langdale@cc.ucsf.edu), January 05, 1998.
Are any of you still interested in climbing. I'll be in town, hoping to do Castle Rock this coming Weekend.Sac
-- Mark Sacramento (sacthis@yahoo.com), March 25, 2002.