photo contest : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

A contest is a good idea. But require actual prints be sent and looked at. I don't think judging scanned images is fair to black and white ie silver photographers. Too much difference in the quality of the scans etc. Besides if you look at prints at least you will be fostering an interest in the craft. As good as scanned images are they are not silver and in the silver lies the art. At least potentially. Look at actual prints. There seem to be many opportunities for scanned images to be judged but not so many for actual prints. I don't think it would be hard for us to send you a print, you could say they are non returnable and then throw the losers away, scan the winners and post them. Film or paper or perhaps a gift certificate would make a nice award. Also you might rotate jurors, simply call on an old hand to help out every now and then to break up the taste and add variety.

-- Jim Ryder (, December 12, 1997

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