Daylab 4x5 or 8x10 for a beginner? : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
Trying to get started with image transfer. Which format is preferable, i.e., is it desirable to work in 8 x 10?
-- Stuart Goldstein (, December 25, 1997
Hi Stuart, I just did my first transfers last week end. I used an old "consumer" style Polaroid, all plastic and quite tacky, with 669 film. While the format is small, it was really quite gratifying. On the first try I didn't know which side was which, so the small (cheap!) format was good for me. I did 8 in a few hours, it's a great start. If you don't have Kathleen Thormod Carr's book, it's a great ressource ( Polaroid Transfers, on the net, at Amazone or at Virgin Megastore). I think a larger format to start could be a bit discouraging, Good luck, Burt
-- Burt Faure (, January 21, 1998.
I too am just getting started in Polaroid Transfers and ran across a very good publication you can download in PDF format. It is Holly Dupre's web site. I don't have the web address but I'm sure it will come up on Google using Holly Dupre or Polaroid Transfer as search objects. Anyway it is a very interesting site and the PDF document is extensive in scope (some nice examples of transfers there too.) - good luck
-- Dave Renfroe (, November 25, 2001.
The 3 1/4 X 4 1/4 (669 film) is the cheapest way to start. In the beginning, you will go through ALOT of film! The 669 film can be ordered through for $18.85 per 20 pack. The 4x5 (59 film) or (559 film) is at least twice the 669 film cost and the 8x10 sheet film is very expensive for learning the process. It takes a little while to learn the exposer adjustments, peeling techniques ect.
-- Elisabeth Brown (, May 22, 2003.