Lithium batteries? : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I've been putting silver batteries in my P67 and also my Minolta spotmeter (they use the same size), but lately I've been thinking of switching to lithium cells.

Does anyone have any experience with the longevity and COLD weather performance of these batteries?

-- Benson (, December 29, 1997


I can't give any definitive information about cold-weather performance of lithium batteries in the Pentax 67, but for the last five years or so that I had my 67's, I used nothing *but* lithium. Although I never spent long periods in the cold, I did use them outdoors in 0-20 F weather with no problem.

-- Myron Gochnauer (, December 30, 1997.

i have heard many people solve the cold problem with the external battery cord,,though i don't have one myself i have heard good things about it

-- dave cichocki (, December 31, 1997.

As a follow up to my own question, I bought a Duracell PX28L battery as a backup for my 67. On the back of the card is written "RELIABLE--Superior camera performance even at 0 degrees C." This really _sounds_ colder than 32F, doesn't it? :) Not too confidence inspiring, really.

-- Benson (, January 16, 1998.

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