Rose {hair colour question} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Does anybody know the red hair color name of Kate Winslet, who plays Rose? It is very beautiful and would like to have my hair that color for my wedding.

-- Chris Searfoss (, January 04, 1998


Response to Rose

If you are really interested and can get into the official Titanic Web Site by Paramount(I've been having trouble the last two weeks!), there is a list somewhere with all the credits. One is for lead hair stylist, the other for lead makeup artist. Once getting the name, it could be possible to contact them either directly by phone, try LA for information or contact Paramount Directory Info. and ask to be connected with that person. Good luck. I love the hair color also and was just thinking about having mine done to a similar shade.

-- Darcy (, January 10, 1998.

Response to Rose

Just found the name of the key hairstylist. Simon Thompson. He also worked on Emma, another period piece. Here is a web site about him.

Good luck!

-- Darcy (, January 11, 1998.

Response to Rose

In a recent issue of Teen People with Leo on the cover, there is a log section on Titanic. In it, there is a page titled "A Perfect Rose" and it has all sorts of styling tips and names of make up that was used on Kate for Titanic, including the name of the red hair dye color.

-- Titanic expert Eve (, May 11, 1998.

I think Titanic Is the collest moive I seen.

-- Jennifer James (, August 09, 1998.

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