Eagles Way Beta

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm inerested in doing Eagles Way. I am in need of up to date beta and hints on the route. If thre is anyone who has done the route at any time and would like to take the time to disclose any of these it would be greatly apreciated.

-- Ian Maskal (dntsktmate@aol.com), January 10, 1998


Eagles Way is the true waterfall route. If it rans run. Horsetail falls (waterfall that calls El Cap home) will begin to run and most of Eagles way is in its path. The winter to late spring it is imposible to climb from the Zodiac, maybe the P.S.D over to Chinese Water Torture. It is all wet. The Devils Brow is almost always driping so beware. The winter sends ice down bigger that cars around that area so be careful. Burt Plastic Surgery Diaster is the water mark in winter (if there is no wind) and the water line decreses with the weather in the spring.

-- Burt (epiclmber@hotmail.com), November 16, 1998.

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