Group Photo! : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I have been asked to take group photos at a Korean War Vetern's Reunion. There will be approx. 50 individuals (25 couples) and there will be two main photos taken, one of the men and one of their wives. I have a Mamiya 330F w/80mm lens and some lighting. My question is, will this camera and lens combination be sufficiant to get the job done or should I purchase a different lens? Can I find a wide angle lens for this camera? Any input would be welcomed. The reunion is not until July.

-- Kevin B. Finigan (, February 02, 1998


Medium format is a good choice for this type of picture. You can get wider lenses for the Mamiya C330 (I have a 55mm). Mamiya also made a 65mm lens for this camera, but the difference isn't worthwhile if you already have the 80mm. I'd look for a 55mm lens for this, as the additional depth of field will benefit you more than the wider coverage. You could always move back to include everyone if you use the 800mm lens, but you will need to stop down more for depth of field.

Graham Patterson has an excellent web site with all the information and links you need for the Mamiya TLR system.

-- Darron Spohn (, February 02, 1998.

I disagree with Darron's answer. DOF depends only on magnification and f-stop. The 55 and 80mm lenses will give the same DOF if camera distance is adjusted to fill the frame to the same degree. The difference between the lenses will be in perspective and minimum shutter speed required if strobes are not used.

-- Tim Brown (, February 10, 1998.

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