"The Shack Is Back!" (tm) -- Who noticed?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
The greenspun server is back up and running (obviously, since you're reading this)...so, who noticed?To the regulars: Thank you for your patience.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (tom@nucleus.com), February 04, 1998
Didn't notice, but glad the Shack is still with us!!! Thank you Thomas for giving us a terrific place to visit everyday.
-- Caron (bianchi@iserv.net), February 05, 1998.
As of the lunch hour, the "tilde" addresses at griffin.multimedia.edu are down for maintenance...so the main ==TitanicShack== (tm) page is off line, for now.Eventually, I will have a mirror-site *and* a www.titanicshack.com URL.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (thomas@multimedia.edu), February 05, 1998.
FYI, it seems that the greenspun server was down again this afternoon. Sorry for any inconvenience.If you see an "AOL Server" error message or if you see a password screen, that's a sign that the Q&A forum is becoming unstable; try again in an hour or so.
The greenspun server uses some database software which America On Line also uses. Don't worry: AOL doesn't control TitanicShack (tm) in any way (unless they want to buy it for mid-six figures).
-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicshack@yahoo.com), February 10, 1998.
Today (Oscar-nominees day), the Greenspun server had a hiccup for a while in the morning...it's fine (for now).FYI, whenever you see the three characters "-e-" in this forum, I have edited the title or posting for clarity. {Comments} have also been added to the end of some question summaries.
I now have (yet another) email address: titanicshack@yahoo.com
I'll try to check it at least twice a day. My tom@nucleus.com address still works, but if I post to this forum with it, it will default to administrator mode and put my answers at the top. If you need to reach me ASAP (in case something major and time sensitive happens), my work email is still thomas@multimedia.edu
-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicshack@yahoo.com), February 10, 1998.
Today, the Greenspun server was pretty erratic all day.It seems to be better, now. Remember, if you see a Password request, then there's something wrong with the server: check back in a little while.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicShack@yahoo.com), March 26, 1998.
www.greenspun.com seems to be feeling much better today.All of my above postings still apply.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicShack@yahoo.com), May 12, 1998.
The Greenspun server was down for most of today. It seems to be feeling much better, now. If you see the following graphic, things are really TARFUed:SAMPLE
SAMPLE"Now there's a sight you don't see every day."
-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicShack@yahoo.com), June 18, 1998.