Student: Which medium format? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I am a photo student in college. We will be working in the studio next semester using various lighting. We will also be using medium format cameras for the first time. I would like to purchase my own but don't know which one. I am interested in fashion photography, any suggestions? Thanks!

-- Adam Raphael (, February 08, 1998


This is a wide open question. There are a number of issues that you need to consider.

How much do you want to spend.? Medium format encompasses 645, 6x6, 6x7, 6x9; which one? Do you want SLR, TLR or rangefinder? Do you need interchangeable backs?, polaroid capability?

These are just a few considerations. I would start with the price range. Determine how much you can afford to spend on a body and a "few" lenses, this will give you a starting point. If I can be of help, contact me.

Harold Todman

-- Harold Todman (, February 09, 1998.

Well, since you are interested in doing fasion, I would recommend a Mamiya or Hasselblad. Both of these cameras have removeable backs with dark slides to protect the film, so you can easily change between different backs for various formats and film types. These will cost a very pretty penny, even used.

There are also old Mamiya and Graflex press cameras with removeable backs. These are range finders, and they have excellent lenses.

Since you're a student (or, me, an amateur), guess what: It really doesn't matter that much! Look around, consider what's in your wallet, and try for something which will serve you down the road. Your interests may change. One wildlife photographer said that he trained in London for fasion photography, and then spent the next 20 years in Africa.

-- Brian C. Miller (, June 18, 1998.

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