Black and White Photography : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

What kind of camera is best to use for this kind of photography?

-- Justin Slone (, February 11, 1998


What do you mean by "this sort of photography"? B& W generally, or do you have something more specific in mind?

It really does depend on what you do, or where you are starting from. A second-hand manual 35mm SLR is an excellent first choice. I use these, and 35mm rangefinders, up to 10x8 view cameras. They all have their uses, and I don't regard any of them as overall "best", just best for the piece of work in hand.

-- Alan Gibson (, February 11, 1998.

I take it that you are referring to black and white photography as opposed to colour and the answer is that you use the same camera equipment for both. There is no such thing as a black and white camera.

-- Andy Laycock (, February 11, 1998.

except in digital!

-- mark lindsey (, April 27, 1999.

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