How to get a larger image : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I work with the Vivitar Slide Printer which produces the small 3x4 images. Polaroid equipment and film is quite a bit more expensive here in the UK than in the US so that's all I can run to at the moment. I am interested in any cost effective ideas for producing larger images.

-- Diane Faulks (, February 13, 1998


There are only two ways that I know of to get a larger image, and neither of them involves the Vivitar. States-side, the Vivitar is no longer available (other than used and even then I had trouble finding one that was reasonably priced), so those of us just getting started have to use a Daylib slide printer. It too only prints images about 3"x4". However, there is a base for the Daylab that uses 4X5 film and produces 4x5 images. There's an 8x10 base but it's a bit more complicated to use (from what I have read) and more expensive.

The other alternative is to use a large format camera, a Polaroid back, and the 4x5 film/paper and shoot the image that you want to work with. Of course, this means that each image is truly one of a kind and you have to shoot a number of sheets until you have a polaroid image which you can work with. For instance, with the Daylab (and the Vivitar), you're working with a slide that's projected onto the Polaroid surface and, at least with Daylab (and presumably with the Vivitar), you get an image/emulsion output that has been properly exposed. That's not necessarily so when you're working with a large format camera.

Although prices for polaroid equipment and film is more expensive in the UK, somebody else in the UK told me that because the prices are so low in the US, comparatively, that it pays for him to place an order with a US firm and have them ship it to the UK. I don't know if he was right, but it's a suggestion.

Several US sources that you can look into are Unique Photo, Calumet Photo, and B&H Photo and Video. They all have web pages where you can get product information and pricing. If you need their telephone numbers, just let me know.

-- Stuart Goldstein (, February 13, 1998.

Another possibility I learned from Theresa Airey's book "Creative Photo Printmaking" is to have the original small transfer print scanned at high resolution into a computer and saved to file. Then, have that file printed on an Iris printer onto watercolor art paper to a much larger size. You may be able to pay for this printing service through a photo imaging and graphics company such as Chromatics in Nashville, TN ( Although this second generation is not truly a transfer, the results I understand are fantastic! Just another alternative. Good luck.

-- David Jeffress (, March 01, 1998.

I don't do transfers yet but I was just surfin' when I found this site. I know of a number of photogs that just use a color copier. This may be sacriligious to some. But if you work with the technician operating it you can get great results. It isn't much different than working with your local mini lab operator and asking for a color or contrast shift.

-- Chris Hansen (, August 09, 1998.

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