Getting started in photo industry : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I recently graduated from a 2 year Photography Course taught at North Georgia Tech. Inst. where I maintained a 4.0 GPA and made the Presidents List all 8 quarters. In addition to this I have an extensive Art background. I am interested in working as a Free-lance Documentary Photographer in addition to doing Fine Art Portraiture. I especially enjoy photographing children, historical buildings and landscapes. I would like to know if anyone knows of any magazines or organizations that purchase photographs(other than stock agencies)? I perfer to stay away from such agencies because it is my understanding that they require a large body of work, and I do not have a great number of images in my files at this time. What I do have is a small number, of what I considerer to be fine quality images that could easily be used in the publication of calendars, books, album covers, etc., which I would like to have seen by the 'right' people. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. Tanya Smith

-- Tanya Smith (, February 19, 1998


I think basically any magazines will accept photographs for consideration. Generally you do the research and find out what magazines would be best for your work and then contact them to make arrangements for viewing. Other avenues for the sale of 'fine quality images' would be corporations. Most will pay fantastic money for works for their buildings and headquarters in indeed many cities require new buildings to have some sort of artwork be it sculpture, murals or photographs. I believe that there are tax incentives for the purchase of art so the problem that alot of them have is finding the right art for the company and some corporations will use the services of art dealers. Another approach would be to use an agent. A really good one will have acess to the right people and increased sales might offset an agents fee. Good luck.

-- Andy Laycock (, February 19, 1998.

Get the "1998 Photographer's Market". It costs around $23 and has listings for many types of photograph buyers. It is generally considered the best starting place for this kind of information.

Also, go to a store and pick up magazines and calendars that might be suitable and write them asking for submission guidelines.

-- Jeff Spirer (, February 19, 1998.

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