Copying Prints : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Hi there, I got some old photos which appear to have detoirated, the B7W print appear to have silvered, so trying to copy it has proven problematic. Also the prints has been damaged through poor storage, a part of it has already like crumbled away, rotted I think! Anyway the question is how do I get the maximum quality, what sort of lighting techniques and film should I use? I'm using 35mm. Any help would be appreciated.

The photo is yellowed and taken against a dark background

-- Kenneth Seah (, March 08, 1998


Hi Kenneth,

You might have a better time by going digital with this one. A decent scan off the original print will allow you to correct any faded or stained areas, tears in the paper, etc. Once finished, you can get the final output to a dye-sublimation printer (e.g. Fujix, kodak). If you do not have access to any of this equipment, many labs offer photo restoration services. If your photos are of great value to you, it may be worth the money to have it professionally done. Good luck.


-- Daryl Hiebert (, March 08, 1998.

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