Rose web : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Hi gang! I have updated my Titanic stie recently. You will find more pictures and downloads and for all of you who has been asking for trivia questions, they're here! Please check it out. If you find a broken link or anything, please e-mail me. Thanks!
-- Rose (, March 22, 1998
Rose, what is your website's address?
-- Jennifer (, March 22, 1998.
sorry 'bout that.
-- Rose (, March 22, 1998.
Thanks Rose! Your website looks really nice! I'm going to bookmark it.
-- Jennifer (, March 22, 1998.
I've fixed the URL link above, and deleted the postings remarking on the non-functional link.Sorry about any confusion.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (, March 22, 1998.
Very good site, Rose!
-- WEP (, March 23, 1998.