The Grack : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I last climbed this route on July 7, 1996 (yes, just three days before the big slide). It's a wonderful route that I'd love to do again. Does anyone know for sure if the route is still there? Also, can someone tell me if this area is still officially "off limits". Thanks.

-- Lester (, March 26, 1998


Lester, we did this route in August and October of last year. It's still there, the slide took out the area just to the left of the Grack as you stand looking at Glacier Point. Most of the area is now open, although I would be carefull climbing around on the new talus...

-- Jim Leininger (, March 27, 1998.

I climbed the Grack in July of this year (it was HOT until Glacier Point put the Apron in the shade). While I was there two melon sized boulders spontaneously came down about 100 yards to our left (the edge of the big slide). To quote the Reid guidebook "...these climbs lie on the fringe of a bona fide death zone. Future catastrophic events of this nature can not be predicted, therefore the utmost discretion must be used when considering these climbs."

No question it's a great climb, I just wouldn't downplay the danger.

-- James Waldrop (, October 13, 1998.

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