210 mm

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I'd like to buy a 210mm for using with my Linhof 4x5, but I don't know if a Nikon lens is better than Schneider Symmar 210mm f5.6. Anyone could help me? Thanks a lot! Woland

-- Sillano Fabrizio (woland@inrete.it), April 01, 1998


I don't think one is necessarily better than the other when you're comparing these two lenses. The Schneider has a slightly larger image circle (305 vs 295), takes a slightly larger filter (72 vs 67),and costs about $300 more through B&H. Nikon glass is supposedly slightly warmer and not a contrasty as German glass. I have the Nikon and have been very happy with it.

-- Mark Windom (mwphoto@nwlink.com), April 02, 1998.

I doubt that you would see any difference between the two lenses. Some argue that one is warmer or less contrasty than the other, and someone else says just the opposite! That tells me that people really cant tell the difference. Most likely, the differences they see are due more to the particular situation, or thier film, or the processing. I have friends that are firmly entrenched on both sides, and swear by one or the other, but when the chromes are on the light table, I cant see any real difference. Personally, I would save the 300 bucks! ;-)

-- Ron Shaw (shaw9@llnl.gov), April 02, 1998.

I'm inclined to agree that its unlikely that either lens would be noticeably better than the other. As far as the price differential is concerned, the lower price on Nikkor mentioned above is based on current prices in the U.S. If you buy it at home, you might find that the Schneider products, which are from within the EU, are actually less expensive. I just don't know what the current prices are, but its worth looking into--don't assume that Nikkor is less expensive in Europe just because it is in the U.S.

-- Rob Rothman (rrothman@riag.com), April 02, 1998.

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