IR view camera focusing : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I've recently been shooting Kodak HIE in 4x5. Can anyone that has used this sheet film, tell me their results concerning focus, and what method you used. What I remember reading is, to move the lens board behind the focal plane by .0025% of the focal length. This is what I've been doing, but haven't seen the results yet. Thanks, Tom

-- Tom Lorton (, April 07, 1998


I don't know if your eyes are as bad as mine, but I dont think I can focus to within 2.5%. Probably the best idea is to just stop down an extra 1 or 2 stops to increase the depth of field. I shot 4x5 HIE some time ago. I tried keeping the film holders cool using a soft insulated 6 pack zippered bag. I still got pin holes in the negs. I read recently that using a water bath instead of acidic stop bath between developing and fixing might help. Also use cotton gloves to load and unload film into the cut-film holders. Your bare fingers will mark the film. Good luck.

-- John R. Fowler (, April 25, 1998.

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