What is the official name of the mountain, McKinley or Denali

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

What is the official name of the mountain, McKinley or Denali. I know they changed the name of the park to Denali, But is the mountains name changed also?

-- Greg L. McClure (wgkoa@digisys.net), April 12, 1998


I believe it's official name is still McKinley. It is confusing because the National Park is officially named Denali NP, plus most climbers refer to the peak as Denali. I could be wrong, but I don't think the official name has been changed, there is a lot of red tape involved in changing it.


-- George Bell (bell@advtech.uswest.com), April 13, 1998.

The official mountain name is Mt. McKinley located in Denali N.P. because of the politics most climbers and Alaskans call it Denali. This is an Athabaskan word which translates to "the high one" Hope that helps! I am climbing Denali in May 2000 to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer research Check out www.cancerclimb.org for more info. Thanks Curtis

-- Curtis Cozier (cure@cancerclimb.com), January 04, 2000.

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