Highest point in each Canadian Province?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

The Canadian analog of climbing all 50 State highpoints would be to climb the highest peak in each Canadian Province or Territory. I did a little research on this and I'm not sure if anyone has done it yet!

Logan would be the most difficult, or at least time consuming, and one would also have to do Waddington. The highest point in the NW Territories is the remote and obscure Mt. Nirvana, which according to my sources has only been climbed two times total! The rest of the Province high points are just a bunch of easy walk ups (I think). Of course one would also have to grapple with the fact that the NW Territories is splitting in two.

Hey, and has anybody climbed the highest point in each county in the US? ;^)



-- George Bell (bell@advtech.uswest.com), April 17, 1998


I'm not sure about it but someone told me that that highpoint in Quibec is not the Mont Jaques Cartier but something else far in the north... An expedition some years ago was supposed to place a geodesic plate at the top and note the exact altitude but I haven't heard anything since then...

Alain P.

-- Alain P. (dr.nick@videotron.ca), July 16, 1999.

Looking for the highest points in Canada? check out http://webhome.idirect.com/~maxmatt and go to the "BIG Mountains" page.

BTW, the highest point in Quebec is Mont D'Iberville (aka Mt. Caubvick in Newfoundland), elevation 1652 m, located on the border between Quebec and Labrador at 58 deg 53 min, 63 deg 43 min.

Hope the info helps, Max

-- Max Niedzielski (maxmatt@idirect.com), July 28, 1999.

This answere is a little late but, yes, someone has done all of Canada's high points. The book is called, Not Won in a Day.

-- Bill (wrlpowell@hotmail.com), October 23, 2001.

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