Pricing a group : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
I am going to shoot group photos of WWII vets and their wifes. Two different groups, approx 25 couples +/- 10. Each couple will want 8x10 of each group. I know what processing, proof sheets, and prints will cost. My question is how much to charge for the copies. I figure somewhere around $15 to $20. Is that too much too little or what?Any input welcome.
-- Kevin B. Finigan (, April 29, 1998
kevin, In the past, I have done group events on color neg film and printed 8x10's of a group. Your event will be similar, so I guess you can use the same format. Buy some mailing envelopes...100 costs about $10...have anybody who wants copies write their name on the envelope and put a check or cash into the envelope....I charged $15 for one 8x10(color)...when prints are ready, just put them into the envelope that's been addressed, apply proper postage(first class), and mail. Protecting the print somehow is a good idea....make sure you allow for it in your cost.Good luck.
-- Jim McCullough (, May 12, 1998.