Two Thumbs Down for 'Titanic' - Another know this one : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Two Thumbs Down for 'Titanic'

BEIJING (Reuters) - "Titanic" got two thumbs down yesterday in Beijing -- one from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and one from an acclaimed Chinese director.

"Why do people like it? I thought it was a terrible movie," Albright said of "Titanic" to Chen Kaige, director of the much-praised "Farewell My Concubine," at the Beijing Film Studio.

Chen agreed with Albright. "I thought the story was pretty superficial," said Chen, who will be a judge at this year's Cannes Film Festival.

"It didn't work for me." Albright is a big movie fan and counts a number of actors among her friends.


-- Dan Draghici (, April 30, 1998


Good thing Albright isn't quitting her day job and sticking with her core competency. I doubt many would follow her as a film reviewer. Wish she'd hush and just ponder why this movie more than any in history has touched people around the world.

-- BobG (, May 01, 1998.

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