4 lines {looking for specific shot of sinking scene}greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
If any one has a picture of the Titanics stern coming out of the water , with the propellers fully out of the water.PLease,PLEASE send it to me!!!!!
-- Brock Angelle Thibodeaux (Prosper@acadian.net), June 05, 1998
Brock, the only time I've seen a picture of the stern coming out of the water is in James Cameron's Titanic book, so get along to your book store. But no, I haven't seen it on any of the numerous image sites I've visited. Sorry. The one in the book is very good though, it shows it clearly, with passengers in the lifeboat looking up at it.
-- Emma (foo@bar.com.au), June 14, 1998.