Bender 8x10 camera : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Hello, I am thinking of getting a 8x10 camera which I would need exclusively for contact prints. I am thinking of the Bender 8x10 kit, because it is affordable and lighweight. But I am reading mixed accounts about its rigidity and usability. The product review on the large format page centers around building the camera. My question: are there people using the Bender 8x10, and what do they think about the camera? Would they recommend it, if yes, under which circumstances? Lukas

-- Lukas Werth (, June 13, 1998


I decided not to get the Bender because it has limited extention if you want to use older portrait lenses for "head and shoulders" portraits.

To get a 1:1 image, you need twice the focal length of your lens in extention.

This may not be an issue for you.


-- Derick Miller (, October 17, 1998.

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