Newbie:Difference between 6X7 and 67? : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I'm a complete neopyte to medium format camera(just have a few experiences with Fuji GW690 range finder cam.) and considering buying Pentax 67.

Here I found that 6X7 and 67 are written separately with different lenses. What is the difference between them and their lenses? Older and newer? In addition, what differs general SMC(Super Multi Coating?) lens from Takumar lens?

Thanks in advance.

JinBok, Cho

-- JinBok, Cho (, June 18, 1998


JinBok: The parent company of Pentax, Asahi Optical Company, about ten years ago decided to change the name on its Pentax lenses from Takumar to Pentax. All of the Takumars and Pentax lenses that I've seen have been SMC (Super Multi Coated- 7 layer). The name change in most cases did not signify a change in design although some did change. The 55mm, 200mm, 400mm and 800mm Pentax were changed/improved.

-- Steve Rasmussen (, June 19, 1998.

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