Selling Prints : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I've been an amatuer photographer for a few years now and i've gotten to the point were I would like to sell my prints. Unfortunatly, beyond the friends and family area I have no idea were to start. My local town isn't to big on galleries or really the arts in general. I would appreciate any help someone could give me on there early experience or just some general advice. I thank you all in advance.

-- Tony Laurence (, June 23, 1998


Hmmm, I haven't yet done it myself, and what comes to mind immediately would be to get involved in any weekend markets. Go find one with some photographers selling their prints, and ask them if you could join in with them. My friends and relations have been encouraging me to do the same thing. Best of luck!

-- Brian C. Miller (, June 23, 1998.

This is a tough business. What type of work do you shoot? Who will be the market for your work? Are you planning on deriving a livable income or just make some extra money?

-- Harold Todman (, June 27, 1998.

Tony, one idea I have seen is to put up a dutch auction on e-bay ( to sell them. It works, I've bought 5 or 6 prints that I thought looked cool.


-- scott crenshaw (, June 29, 1998.

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