Bellows : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I'm in the process of referbusing an old Crown Graphic. The bellows has some holes that were previously repaired. Whoever made this repair did a pretty good job on the inside of the bellows, but used good ol silver duct tape on the outside.I'd like to know what would be the best material to use to re-patch the outside of the bellows. While thinking about it, I figured that I could cut the same section from an junker Graphic (or similar sized bellows) and overlay it. Any ideas, suggestions?
-- sheldon hambrick (, June 25, 1998
I would just replace the whole thing, go to web site Flex Products, they can custom fit a new bellows for your camera, They are at Good luck
-- Belden Lee Fodran (, June 29, 1998.
Black silicone bathtub caulk works very well for patching bellows. It remains flexible and can be easily removed, if necessary.
-- Peter Hughes (, August 16, 1998.