filter size of 14" GD Dagor : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Can anybody tell me what the filter thread size is for the Schneider 14"(355mm) f8 Gold Dot Dagor mted in Compur #3. It seems like its either 58mm or 60mm..thanks

-- (, June 26, 1998


Mine looked like it needed a 60mm filter but the barrel wasn't really threaded to accept filters. Maybe Steve Grimes or another repairman specializing in LF can help.

-- Ellis Vener (, June 28, 1998.

I have an old 15" Turner and Reich convertible, and it has the same problem. I wrapped one layer of tape around the outside of the lens barrel. I can then slip my 67mm Cokin adapter ring over the lens barrel It is a tight fit, and has worked well in this configuration. I have found that creativity in images and in equiptment is important when you get into large format photography.

The lens barrel is the same o.d. on the front and back, so I can use the filter in front or in back.

-- Marv Thompson (, June 29, 1998.

I have the same lens, although mine is in a Compur shutter.

The filter size is 60 mm, not a common size. I suggest that you purchase a step-up ring, like a 60 to 62 mm or a 60 to 67 mm to get to a more usable filter size. The only place that I could find a step-up ring that started at 60 mm was in a used camera store.

Oh, by the way, if your lens is like mine, it will have a relatively low contrast. You'll find it easier to focus if you stop it down about 2/3 stop.


-- Bruce M. Herman (, June 30, 1998.

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