filter size of 14" GD : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Can anybody tell me what the filter thread size is for the Schneider 14"(355mm) f8 Gold Dot Dagor mted in Compur #3. It seems like its either 58mm or 60mm..thanks
-- (, June 26, 1998
Mine looked like it needed a 60mm filter but the barrel wasn't really threaded to accept filters. Maybe Steve Grimes or another repairman specializing in LF can help.
-- Ellis Vener (, June 28, 1998.
I have an old 15" Turner and Reich convertible, and it has the same problem. I wrapped one layer of tape around the outside of the lens barrel. I can then slip my 67mm Cokin adapter ring over the lens barrel It is a tight fit, and has worked well in this configuration. I have found that creativity in images and in equiptment is important when you get into large format photography.The lens barrel is the same o.d. on the front and back, so I can use the filter in front or in back.
-- Marv Thompson (, June 29, 1998.
I have the same lens, although mine is in a Compur shutter.The filter size is 60 mm, not a common size. I suggest that you purchase a step-up ring, like a 60 to 62 mm or a 60 to 67 mm to get to a more usable filter size. The only place that I could find a step-up ring that started at 60 mm was in a used camera store.
Oh, by the way, if your lens is like mine, it will have a relatively low contrast. You'll find it easier to focus if you stop it down about 2/3 stop.
-- Bruce M. Herman (, June 30, 1998.