Curiosity about B & W Excellence : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I have a Minolta MAXXUM 7000AF(75~300 4.5 & 35~70 lenses)and am off to The Netherlands(7/15) for about a 10 days(4th trip). I have decided to take Black and White film with me and intend to take a few photos.

I really enjoy shooting faces... lines, character, etc... flowers... some buildings... but really want detail and am interested in doing these in B & W.

I am thinking about buying a new camera MINOLTA 600si or just keeping mine and "going for it" but think I need to get a better lens or two. Do you have any advise for me?

Buy a new camera? Which lenses to buy? Hints for B & W photography?



-- H Alston (, July 07, 1998


I am not familiar with your equipment, however, I would like to give you some advise. I have been shooting for over twenty years. I have used all formats from pinhole to 8x10 and have tried numerous film types and countless processes. Throughout all of this, I have learned one thing; better photograhy is in the eye and mind, not the equipment.

Looking quickly at what you currently have, I'm not sure what your goal is. You have lenses that cover 35mm to 300mm. Based on what you want to shoot, you should be in good shape. Now if you're not happy with the speed of the lens (F4.5) or the quality of the optics, that's another issue. I would suggest save your money and buy film.

Have a great trip!


-- Harold Todman (, July 08, 1998.

re: Curiosity about B & W Excellence


The 7000 MAXXUM was the first AF on the market. Since then Minolta introduced two generation of cameras: the three digits 500, 600, 700 etc. - more advanced bodies and lenses and one digit: 7, 8, 9... - almost proffesional cameras.

In my opinion the only really week side of the old 7000 and 9000 is a slow AF - if you want to take action or sport photography move to the latest series. Otherwise if you are comfortable with the 7000 stay with it.

Use a CIRCULAR (must) polorizer filter - in the norten parts the sun is low and when pointing at around 90 deg. to thw sun the effect in darkenning the sky is tremenduose.

-- Ze'ev Kantor (, July 11, 1998.

It is always tempting, a week before a trip, to buy some new equipment for the trip. It is usually a better idea to only take equipment you are familiar with -- you want to concentrate on what is around you, and on the pictures, rather than how to work the hardware.

I don't know the Minolta range, but if your body takes lenses compatible with current models, you might think about another lens or two. You would find a whole load of new opportunities with a faster lens, such as f/2.8, also with a wider angle, such as 20 or 24mm.

-- Alan Gibson (, July 13, 1998.

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