B&W Portraiture Reading List

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I am interested in classic B&W portait photographers and their techniques and am looking for suggestions for reading/viewing materials. For example, I have found info on Dorothy Lang (sp?), Imogen Cunningham. Any suggestions of books, info on this subject is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Deb, Cleveland

-- Debra Rozin (PhilnDebra@aol.com), July 15, 1998


as far as portrait photographers go, i might suggest the work of diane arbus and joel-peter witkin. definitely not your average portraits, but they're worth a look.

-- jeremy beckman (5beckmans@lasercom.net), August 12, 1998.

A great book that I have used time and time again to get an idea of a photographers work is called 'The Body' - William A Ewing, published by Thames and Hudson, ISBN 0-500-27781-8. It includes some of the photographers already mentioned. A particular personal favourite is Robert Davies. Hope this is usefull.

-- Genna Potts (genna@telinco.co.uk), April 02, 1999.

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