Oly D600 vs Kodak 260

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hello everyone Looking to buy either a Oly D600L or thenew Kodak 260. Need it for studio and outdoor shots. Can anyone provide me with a comparison of the two?

-- Mark Klossner (mx99121@deere.com), July 20, 1998


Based on our first round of tests of the DC260, the Oly 600 probably has better sharpness. We'll be getting a new production unit of the 260 with updated firmware and a better sensor sometime later this week though, so should have some updated comparison shots for you fairly soon.

Other than sharpness, the 260's direct support for external strobes (via flash sync socket & settable aperture) favor it for studio work. We'll be updating our 260 review in another week or so as well, after we've played with the new unit some more. Meanwhile, check back in our News page (click on the "whats new" link int he nav bar on the left) and look back a few weeks for the link to Arthur Blevin's article for ZoneZero. If he still has the article up, it will give you a comparison between the 260, the 600, and the Nikon CoolPix 900. (If the link is dead due to him archiving the article, you should still be able to find it somewhere at http://www.zonezero.com/, under the "digital" section.

-- Dave Etchells (detc hells@imaging-resource.com), July 20, 1998.

Two quick points: 1) The 260 has a long time between prints and the start-up time is also pretty long. 2) The 260 has NO threads for lenses! That one point moved me away from seriously considering it.

-- Stan Zdonick (szdonick@baynetworks.com), July 22, 1998.

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