Ice Climbing in Yosemite : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I was wondering if you would be able to pass on any information about ice-climbing in Yosemite. My family and I are planning a trip out there after Christmas and looking for some things to do. I have climbed vertical ice as well as glaicier ice a few times before and am fairly confindent, however some of the other people that would be going are not as experienced. We all have rock experience, but I think it would give us all peace of mind to have a guide if we decide to go ahead with this. I think we are looking at day stuff (we are staying at the lodge at night) and the possibility of renting gear. Any beta you would be able to give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

-- Laura Albin (Laura, July 21, 1998


Yosemite is NOT the place to be for winter ice climbing. It is a very marginal activity and I think there don't rent mountaineering gear there. Look again at my article "Ice climbing in California" on the Cold Mountain page. Lee Vining is very close to Yosemite by bird's fly, but in winter the Tiogo road is closed, and you would have to go around the sierra through Lake Tahoe (too far for a day trip). I heard last year there was some good man-made ice at Donner Summit.

-- Quang-Tuan Luong (, July 21, 1998.

Waz up

Waz up


-- Joe Blow (, December 16, 2002.

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