Any (Un)Happy Users of 65mm Angulons. : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I'm saving my money for a 65mm Super Angulon, but my trigger finger is getting itchy. So, I was considering grabbing an older 65mm (non-super) Angulon if I came across one for a good deal. I'm planning on using it on a 4x5 or a 2x3 with a 6cmx9cm back, so I don't need a lot of coverage.

I'd like to hear about peoples' good and bad experiences with this lens.

Thanks in advance.

-- sheldon hambrick (, July 28, 1998


Sheldon, Several years back I bought a 65mm Schneider f8 Angulon for a low price. It was not a very good lens. It was not nearly as sharp as my 90 f8 SA. It would not really cover 4x5. I sold it.

Reading an article in View Camera Magazine some time later, I saw where the 65 f8 was not considered one of Schneider best lenses (to put it charitably). The writer was of the opinion the f5.6 SA was a much better lens.

BTW Sheldon, there's a Fuji 65mm SWD in the classifieds right now. Good price. I hear this is a very good 65mm.

Good luck, Sergio.

-- Sergio Ortega (, July 28, 1998.

Sheldon, Sorry about the Fuji's a 75mm 5.6, not a 65. Sergio.

-- Sergio Ortega (, July 28, 1998.


My fujinon 65mm f5.6 is remarkably sharp at distance, even to the edges, however you have to be really careful about focusing at this focal length. Worse yet without a special wideangle fresnel screen your peripheral image will be rather dim. Consider the Nikon 65mm f4 as a alternative because of its larger aperture.

-- Pat Raymore (PATICK.F.RAYMORE@KP.ORG), July 30, 1998.

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