Fill flash using Metz 50MZ - 5 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I would like to know what the prefered method for setting fill flash on the Metz 50MZ-5 flash unit is.

I've read the fill flash section in the manual several times and its somewhat ambigious, especially when it comes to using fill flash in TTL mode.

Can I set the amount of compensation using the SCA adapter (SCA 3401)? It appears to have controls for just that purpose, but I have no manual for it so I can't tell if that's their actual function.

I do have test slides coming back from the lab, but I'd like if I can get a defenitive answer to accompany my tests.

Thanks for any help you can provide

-- jr kaiser (, July 30, 1998


You can find contact information for the importer at I'm sure they will be able to provide you with an instruction book or an explanation. The 50MZ-5 is a sophisticated flash, so I'm sure it has some type of fill flash compensation.

-- Brad (, August 01, 1998.

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