I need help! (please?)greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
I have just recived as a gift from a friend a Kowa medium format camera. And needless to say! I have no idea how it works? I did not recieve a manual or any type of instructions? So if anybody out there in cyberland has a users guide or instruction booklet that could help me learn how to use this camera I would very much appreciate any type of help ? (so I don't break it) Thanx in advance, Gabrielle Goodman
-- Gabrielle Dawn Goodman (elle_154@hotmail.com), August 03, 1998
I have no personal experience of Kowa cameras. Instruction books are available from various shops: try an Internet search (using AltaVista, or whatever). You may need to know the camera model.You should check what sort of film the camera takes. If it is not 120 roll film, you might have problems getting hold of it. Depending on your current level of knowledge, you may find a basic book on photography helful.
-- Alan Gibson (gibson.al@mail.dec.com), August 04, 1998.
This is not an unusual camera and any GOOD camera shop should have someone there that can help you. There are a few medium format use groups on the net where I'm sure somone can help you.Good Luck,
Harold Todman
-- Harold Todman (htodman@ggn.com), August 04, 1998.
Try posting your question at http://db.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a.tcl?topic=Medium%20Format%20Digest
-- Darron Spohn (sspohn@concentric.net), August 12, 1998.
I just came across this forum, so this may be old news by now. However, if you have not yet found a copy of the Kowa manual, send me an e-mail, and I will photocopy mine and send the copy to you. Please advise.
-- Tony Brent (ajbrent@mich.com), February 07, 1999.