Countdown site : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I'm sure you have all been to the "Countdown to Titanic" site, but has anyone been reading the Fan Fiction titled "Absolution"? It's a sequal to the movie about Rose's adventures after docking in New York. It's kind of fun. I also read the beginnings of another one on someone else's site (she's been here, but I can't remember her name, the site's name or how to get to it...I guess I'll be "threading" so I can find it). That one's better writing, I think (stylistically, anyway). If I can find the address again, I'll post it.

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 08, 1998


Here's Melvira's site:

Mel...if you're reading...please write novels! And get movin' on that sequal; I'm hooked!

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 08, 1998.

Chapter 11 and 12 are now online for the "Titanic Absolution Sequel:"

-- Dan Draghici (, August 08, 1998.

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