Test Critique Photographgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
This is a sample photograh.
-- Tony Rowlett (rowlett@alaska.net), August 13, 1998
This is a sample (but true!) answer: This is a 5x7 Ilford Multigrade IV "Perl" print that was scanned on an HP ScanJet 4p (?), which is a flat-bed scanner and should probably not be used for serious Web work. I wasn't able to pick up the character of the glass on this one. The shadow areas are too dark, but I do like Mimi's skin tones around her arm, hand, and face. The real photograph has some more detail in her hair and of the bottles in the lower left.
By the way, this was printed using my new 25x37 negative carrier for my Leitz Focomat V35 enlarger. I know of few material things that I love more than my V35!
Scanning and posting to the web can be tricky. It is way easier to create a 600K lousey image than it is to create a great image that is merely 60K.
-- Tony Rowlett (rowlett@alaska.net), August 13, 1998.