Hi Peoples

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Well... I'm standing in a mall in Albany, NY, annoying the man from RoadRunner who's trying to sell his ISP services... Just thought I'd drop a line saying thanks for continuing to use the site...

I'll be back in a couple of weeks...


-- Zwaxy (on holiday) (zwaxy@hotmail.com), August 18, 1998



I guess m34b1 was released or something... I can't update the stuff to allow you to submit scores for the new games (I guess there are some new games, right?) but please hold on to your recordings and I'll update my page to accept them as soon as I get back to Eng-er-land.

Greets to newcomer GoldCrisp - looks like you're quite into this MAME thing, man! :o)


-- Zwaxy (zwaxy@bigfoot.com), August 18, 1998.

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