Aeon Flux Statue : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

I was on one of the AF web ring sites and it mentioned that the AF Statue was no longger available. I have access to about 10 of them if anyone is interested.

-- Andy Bullock (, August 20, 1998


I have it listed on my site as availability unknown. There's no store I know of that actively stocks them, they've been available at various places, for $100-$150. I know of a small, local store in my area that has one(which will soon be mine.) What price can you get them for? (I'd have to say on average, the price is now about $125 each)

-- ChaosKnight (, August 20, 1998.

You actually have a better deal than I can get, they are going for $150 here.

-- Andy Bullock (, August 20, 1998.

The Aeon Flux Statue is available to buy online from It is priced at $129.

-- Jessica (, September 27, 1998.

theyre going for a stunning $103 at this site:

this site also has ststues of the Maxx, Boba Fett, and many more. Good Luck!

-- Owen Black (, October 17, 1998.

Does anyone know how many statues of AF were made by legends in 3 dimensions?

I've seen some in ebay but I'd loke to know if they are numbered, or if there's a way to make sure they're ariginal....


-- Cesar Zepeda (, June 14, 2004.

Does anyone know how many statues of AF were made by legends in 3 dimensions?

I've seen some in ebay but I'd like to know if they are numbered, or if there's a way to make sure they're original....


-- Cesar Zepeda (, June 14, 2004.

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