James Horner concert set for October 8th and 9th.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I just got my two tickets for the James Horner Titanic concert set for the Hollywood Bowl in LA on October 9th and 10th. I have no idea where my seats are,but they cost a fortune 200 for two seats!

-- michael pitt (xrrg10b@prodigy.com), August 25, 1998


I'm sure they're worth every cent.

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), August 25, 1998.

Is this a one-night stand? Anyone have a tour schedule? Who will perform? For those who can't afford the tickets, don't worry. Somehow, I KNOW this is going to show up on a PBS pledge drive in the not to distant future....

-- Dan Dalton (foo@bar.com), August 25, 1998.

Oh Michael, darling, is that second ticket by any chance taken? ;-)

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), August 25, 1998.

Ha-ha, Aussie Hick! :-)

-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), August 26, 1998.

Is it going internationl? If it is, then our other friends will have a chance to go.. (cough cough, Emma and Dan..) =)

-- Rose (rose347@juno.com), August 31, 1998.

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