Beta on Matthes : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
I'm looking for any available beta on climbing Matthes Crest(5.6) out of Tuolumne Meadows.Size of rack? One, two ropes to rap from summmit? Time from car to car?
Dan Rampe
-- Daniel Rampe (, August 27, 1998
You don't need a very big rack, most of the route is 4th class and can be simoclimbed, in fact you have to simoclimb most of it to do it in a day from the car. The hard parts (meaning 5.6) are the start and the pitch to the actual summit (which is about 2/3 of the way along).We did it from a camp near the start of the ridge, there are gorgeous sites near the lake SE of the ridge. If doing it in a day from the road, plan on a very full day.
-- George Bell (, September 03, 1998.