Beta on Matthes Crest : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm looking for any available beta on climbing Matthes Crest(5.6) out of Tuolumne Meadows.

Size of rack? One, two ropes to rap from summmit? Time from car to car?

Dan Rampe

-- Daniel Rampe (, August 27, 1998


You don't need a very big rack, most of the route is 4th class and can be simoclimbed, in fact you have to simoclimb most of it to do it in a day from the car. The hard parts (meaning 5.6) are the start and the pitch to the actual summit (which is about 2/3 of the way along).

We did it from a camp near the start of the ridge, there are gorgeous sites near the lake SE of the ridge. If doing it in a day from the road, plan on a very full day.


-- George Bell (, September 03, 1998.

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