What's the Pope's position on the new century issue?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread


I would like to know wheter the new (XXI.) century will begin on 2001. January 1. as I hope to be, or on 2000. January 1.

As I know in 1900. there was a decision by the Pope that it were the beginning of XX. century.

I need some clarification,

Thank you very much in advance, Very Best Regards and Health,


-- Jackie the Asker (jackie007@hotmail.com), August 27, 1998


Response to What's the Pope position in th new century issue?

The beginning of the 21st Century begins January 1, 2001.

-- Rev. Raymond A. Burkle (cyclist@ncn.net), June 04, 1999.

Response to What's the Pope position in th new century issue?


you'll find wonderful stuff about the millennium in

http// millenium.greenwich2000.com/millenium/


-- ENRIQUE ORTIZ (eaortiz@yahoo.com), June 05, 1999.

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