Is the proposed Clik! Valid : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have heard much concerning this new device that Iomega has been touting but it still isn't here. Is this something that the pros are waiting for. Is it a good technology for digital imaging?

I am not an expert but just curious.

Any opinions would be welcome.

Thanks Rod

-- Rod O'Brien (, August 29, 1998


So far, it doesn't seem that the camera mfrs are jumping on this bandwagon. Iomega has had lots of problems recently, which may be part of the problem. There's also the chicken/egg problem of users needing to buy yet another reader device for it. As for the pros, the direction there seems to be toward very high-capacity flash cards in a Type II format (200 MB plus), and even higher-capacity Type II or III mini hard drives. (There have been 1 gig drives announced in this capacity, although the largest currently selling is 500 meg.)

-- Dave Etchells (, September 10, 1998.

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