Papal Recognition of Parents 50th Wedding Aniversary : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

My parents will achieve the teriffic milestone of 50 years marriage together in June 1999. My parents are very devote and faithful Catholics and who are primarily responsible teaching and raising me and my three brothers in the Catholic faith. My brothers and I are planning a great celebration for this event. I am aware that I can aware that I can obtain official recognition of this accomplishment from the President of the US and other local governments, but I was really interested to know if such recognition can be obtained from the Pope. I know my parents would be extremely please of this and would cherish it. Does the Pope, or vatican, offer this type of recognition? Where, How, or to Whom do I make the request to? I will even go as far as to write the Pope directly if I have to.

Please advise.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

-- Daniel Joseph Ugorcak (, August 31, 1998


See down below. "Papal Apostolic Blessing"

-- Br. Rich S.F.O. (, August 31, 1998.

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