About the train Best Freinds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I would like to gather more info about this where can I find it. The reason why is I have a piece of history about this train and I'm trying to get it insured, I have a printing plate annousing it's run which is very pretty and don't want anything to happen to it. Thank you for your time Rose when I tryed to print out the info about this from what you have it does not give the paragraph about it.

-- Rosemary Rizzetto (rizzetto@erols.com), September 02, 1998


Rosemary--there are a couple good web pages with info on this train. The South Carolina Railroad Museum in Columbia owns various parts of the original loco plus a replica on display in the museum as well as some cars at the the SCRM site. Their web page is www.scrm.org/rosters/locos/bfoc.html . The NRHS group in Charleston has a BFOC museum with the replica built by the Southern Rwy. Their web page is www.charleston.net/org/railroad/index.html . I'm sure both would be interested in your artifact and could help with an appraisal.

-- Larry Puckett (lpuckett@geocities.com), December 28, 1998.

Thanks Larry.

-- Rose Rizzetto (rizzetto@erols.com), December 31, 2000.

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