Help A Student Out : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I'm doing a report on Albert Watson, and I'm having trouble finding out some of the basic info-ie: What format does he shoot in? If anybody has any useful info or web address where I can find some, it would be much appreciated. -Nicole

-- Nicole Ferrara (NIKKIGIRL@COMPUSERVE.COM), September 03, 1998


I confess I've never heard of him, but a search on AltaVista ( returns 383 entries, some of which look likely.

-- Alan Gibson (, September 04, 1998.

Thanks for the lead

Thank you for the lead. I found alot of what I needed for my paper. The only thing I coundn't find is what size/format of camera does he use. By the way Albert Watson did ,amongst other things, the ad campagin for Ilford's new warmtone paper (all the picts. of the jazz musicians) and the Delta 100 line (good pict in the May/june '98 issue of American Photo.

-- Nicole Ferrara (NIKKIGIRL@COMPUSERVE.COM), September 05, 1998.

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